Masters Full Scholarship in Adult Education

(Adult Education for Social Change)



Adult education aims to equip individuals with relevant skills to address social and economic inequality. Globally, societies are encountering increased social and economic polarisation. While global elites are becoming wealthier, the majority of the world experiences poverty, lack of access to education, displacement due to war and environmental degradation, and labour market exploitation.

A concern about social inequality and a belief that adult educators can contribute to social change based on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth is the driving force behind the creation of the International Master in Adult Education for Social Change (IMAESC). IMAESC brings together European and international universities, VET institutions, private companies,  community-based organisations and policy units who recognise that Adult Education for Social Change is a powerful tool in producing competent, critical citizens and for developing just, equitable and democratic societies.

Adult education has been recognised in Europe as a critical element in addressing challenges pertaining to employment, research and innovation, climate change and energy, education and combating poverty.



You can apply as


  • an Erasmus Mundus scholarship student
  • a self-funded student.


All applications for the IMAESC programme and Erasmus Mundus scholarships must be submitted online to the University of Glasgow. We cannot accept applications any other way.

You have 42 days to submit your application once you begin the process. You may save and return to your application as many times as you wish to update information, complete sections or upload supporting documents such as your final transcript or your language test.


Required Documents:

As part of your online application, you also need to submit the following supporting documents:


  • A copy (or copies) of your official degree certificate(s) (if you have already completed your degree)
  • A copy (or copies) of your official academic transcript(s), showing full details of subjects studied and grades/marks obtained
  • Official English translations of the certificate(s) and transcript(s)
  • Two reference* letters on headed paper
  • CV
  • IMAESC Scholarship Application form

Evidence of your English Language ability (if your first language is not English)*

A copy of the photo page of your passport (Non-EU students only). Please note, evidence of your English Language ability (if your language is not English) must be uploaded by the Scholarship application deadline of 1700 hours UK time, 14th January 2022.



If you decide to apply for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, you should specify your student category (Programme or Partner Country) on the scholarship application form. For further details, see Scholarships

Applications will only be considered for scholarship funding if they are submitted by 1700 hours UK time Friday 14th January 2022 with all the required documents. Please note that if you wish to be considered for a scholarship, you will be required to submit proof of English language proficiency by 1700 hours UK time Friday 14th January 2022.  The only exception to this are final degree certificates and transcripts where an applicant is still currently studying. Final degree certificates and transcripts will be required by 1700 hours UK time 1st July 2022.

Self-funded students may be made a conditional offer pending receipt of an English language test. They will be required to submit the relevant documentation by 1700 hours UK time 1st July 2022.

*Programme Country group = EU countries, Iceland, Norway, FYR Macedonia, Lichtenstein, Turkey, Serbia

*Partner Country group = rest of the world


Please apply from here: