Ngawang Dorji


Nationality:   Ladakhi

Current Location:   Barcelona, Spain.

I think Les Brown is right, “it is not over until you won! Your dream is possible”. My dream is to study abroad and learn more experiences. Since high school, physics have been a fascinating subject to me.  Being a Buddhist, it’s far more interesting when the concept of quantum physics and emptiness has become very relevant. On the other side, the world now facing is unemployed, poverty and low wage. So, I wanted to connect physics and business to become a successful entrepreneur, to resolve that issue.

I Sometimes feel like; I was very unlucky to born in this remote land-Ladakh. But maybe this is the reason why I am here today. If I didn’t struggle through this, I might not know, how bad a situation we have to go through in this remote land. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, often say; “you can fight your enemy through peace and non -violence, and education is the main weapon”, Which made me realise that how important education is.

For me, my Journey to Europe already began when I was in 10th standard; I applied for a scholarship for the first time given by the department of education to study at Pestalozzi high school, where I was not selected. But honestly speaking, instead of feeling low, it became a turning point in my life, it realises me to do more. In short, it gives me the strength to serve my society and achieve my goal.

In the year 2013 of December 20th, I came with the idea to form a small association named “TRUST” to improve the education quality of Ladakhi people, focusing mainly on school education. I came up with my T-shirt design and mobile cover to raise the fund for our association by merchandising in our society. I could proudly say that we have now more than 30 members under my leadership and all are young college students, who wish to serve their community.

Just after my college studies, I came across this “Himalayan Initiative”, which changed my life forever. They kindly helped to find a full scholarship at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, and they also guided me through visa works and other pre-preparations of this journey. Thus, I regard this “Himalayan Initiative” as my life-changer from remote hardworking student to international student with a bright future.