UK Aid Connect

UK Aid Connect will support consortia to create innovative solutions to complex development challenges that deliver real change to poor people’s lives.

What the fund will achieve

The world has seen substantial success on poverty reduction. However, 1.2 billion people remain in extreme poverty. There is a growing recognition that the problems facing the poorest most excluded people and the global challenges underlying those problems, are complex and interconnected. No single development actor has all the answers. Coalitions and collaboration bring new and creative ideas, innovation, better results and opportunities through pooled ideas, skills and resources. DFID wants to bring those qualities together in coalitions that address key development challenges in the following priority thematic areas:

Phase 1

promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights
disability inclusion
working towards global security and stability
building civil society effectiveness
Phase 2

building open societies
tackling child labour and modern slavery
addressing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender inclusion
supporting tolerance and freedom of religion or belief
The consortia will undertake action research, trialling new approaches and testing the viability of scaling up effective approaches to produce rigorous and influential evidence and learning. The specific results delivered by each consortium will in part be determined by the nature of the issues to be addressed in those particular policy and thematic areas. However, we envisage the consortia will produce rigorous and influential practical evidence, knowledge and learning. The rigorous evidence and learning produced by the consortia will be used to implement and scale up these innovative solutions to deliver real change to poor people’s lives in low and middle income countries.

How to apply:

Please refer to the terms of reference for full details. Applicants must submit a Microsoft Word version of their proposal and associated documents using the templates provided below, by email, to

Background information on the fund:

The Terms of Reference for each of the themes will set out the background on UK Aid Connect and the process for submitting the proposal. A strong proposal will provide quality ideas and articulate how those ideas will bring about lasting change. We do not expect to see a full programme design. This will be undertaken with DFID during the co-creation phase.

Between now and 31 July, DFID will convene a series of open meetings to discuss the key development challenges in the thematic areas. Information on these events are set out in the information note.

Sample Projects:

Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
Disability Inclusion
Addressing Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual and Transgender Inclusion
Building Civil Society Effectiveness
Building Open Societies
Supporting Tolerance and Freedom of Religion or Belief
Tackling Child Labour and Modern Slavery
Working towards Global Security and Stability
Stability framework

Please e-mail enquiries to

Read details at:

UK Aid Direct

The aim of UK Aid Direct is to support civil society to deliver solutions to achieve sustained poverty reduction and to achieve the Global Goals (opens in a new window).

UK Aid Direct focuses on reaching the most vulnerable and marginalised populations, in particular girls and women, to ‘leave no one behind’.

The priorities of UK Aid Direct reflect the UK Department for International Development (DFID)’s wider strategic objectives:

strengthening global peace, security and governance
strengthening resilience and response to crisis
promoting global prosperity
tackling extreme poverty and helping the world’s most vulnerable
UK Aid Direct will work towards these priorities by supporting approaches that will:

develop and use partnerships to promote greater accountability
demonstrate partnerships with youth as agents and advocates for change
strengthen the ability of existing and new advocacy actors to enable decision makers to be held to account
improve access, supply and quality of basic services
show positive behaviour change in targeted groups as a result of the interventions
demonstrate increased opportunities for economic empowerment through job creation, income generation and improving market access
strengthen the response to conflict and local-level crisis to improve resilience in fragile and conflict-affected states.
UK Aid Direct supports civil society organisations working in Africa, South Asia, East Asia and the Americas, in countries where support for achieving the Global Goals is most needed. Nepal, Pakistan and Bhutan in the priority list.

Read the detail of application at: