Alumni of The Himalayan Initiatives
Gyadun Gyatso
Lhundup Gyatso
Tenzin Choedon
Tamdin Dolma
Ngawang Dorji
Dawki Lepcha
Himalayan People
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion and some style.”
-Maya Angelou.
“To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a civilization you need education.”
-Jonathan Sacks
students' feedback
Dawki Lepcha
SikkimeseI am always grateful to Himalayan Initiative; they are very kind and helpful for anyone who has a bigger dream. Like myself, this agency changed the many lives of Himalayan people in every year.
Gyadun Gyatso
TibetanBecause of the Himalayan Initiative, I materialised my dream to study at one of the best universities abroad and found my dream career in this beautiful country. I hope this agency would continuously help others in the future.
Lhundup Gyatso
TibetanHimalayan Initiative is the best agency that I ever have known for the students from Himalayan regions. They help you to find scholarships, fund your initiative projects and also co-operate with you to organise events.
Tenzin Choedon
TibetanMeeting Himalayan Initiative changed my life forever; it guided me to study abroad with a scholarship and also helped me to choose every step of the decisions that I made for my future.
Tamdin Dolma
TibetanI highly recommend this agency to anyone who wishes to study abroad for free or with a scholarship. Himalayan Initiative changed my life and helped to materialise my life dream that could never do it without their help.
Ngawang Dorji
TibetanI recommended the Himalayan Initiative to all my relatives and friends, because this agency is the best to help you to find a scholarship abroad and, also help you to immigrate to other countries legally.
Urmila Gurung
NepaliWithout the guide and help of the Himalayan Initiative, I would still be struggling with my ordinary life in a remote area of Himalaya. This agency took me all the way to in this great university and gave me an education and future career.